
The S.A.N.C.L. is currently focusing on the german speaking book market and the involved actors. Here you can see a rough sketch oraganisations, publishers and prizes we stumbled across within our research, that tackle the topic of an aware and alternative approach towards children literature.

You can zoom inside the map by scrolling and move around by holding the mouse clicked. Additional information is shown when moving your mouse on one of the asscociations.



Akademie für Kinder und Jugendliteratur

Institution for the promotion of children literature, especially the cooperation of research and practical work in the field. It is holding events, produces publications and honouring extraordinary people or literature



Arbeitskreis Jugendliteratur

Umbrella organization that unites working groups for youth literature, 53 institutions and associations from the fields of library, education, book trade / publishing, research and reading promotion. It is also handing out the probably most important price for german children's literature.




Swiss organisation that promotes solidarity and social justice in a global society. They run a publishing house, select books for a catalogue, and work in reading and literacy promotion.




Connected to a large german green reform-political foundation they publish articles, produce media, conduct research and projects and organise events with a focus on migration and diversity.



Institut für den Situationsansatz

An institute connected to an academy for innovative pedagogy, psychology and economy in Berlin trying to promote their concept titled Situationsansatz in theory and practice. Influenced by the action and reflexion method of Paolo Freire, it aims to support children from diverse social and cultural backgrounds to understand and shape their reality in a competent and responsible manner. They are offering a training and conducting projects in practice research with educational personel and publish their findings in presentations, events and publications.



Internationale Bibliothek für Kinder und Jugendliteratur

Largest Library of international children's literature, located in Munich, founded in 1949. Wants to archive, document and mediate literature of a certain quality from all over the world and promote cultural exchange. It is holding exhibitions, readings, discussions and workshops to foster the cultural education of children. Provides its archive to researchers around the world and also offers a scholarship



Kimi Siegel

A jury of children and adults selects books that show diversity and do not reproduce chlichés or discrimination. The selection criteria are topics like disability, migration, people of colour, transcultural realities, poverty, diverse family constellations, valuediversity, language, gender, human and women rights, trauma, illness, death, political attitude, consume behaviour, environment, relation to nature.
