

This is a model for a dripping fountain. Its idea is to annoy the observer by continuously dropping, just like a leaking tap or c Chinese water torture.

An interesting connection of torture and captivation with boredom draws Stefan Zweig in his short novel The Royal Game: Here the mysterious character of Dr. B. tells his story of being hold imprisoned one year for investigation reasons. Although he is not harmed in a physical way, his tortured by being isolated in room without windows or books or anything to take away his mind.

So I had something fresh, something different to look at with my ravenous eyes, something new at last, and they clutched avidly at every detail. I examined every crease in those coats, I noticed for example a raindrop hanging from one of the wet collars, and, as ridiculous as it may sound to you, I waited with absurd excitement to see whether this drop would eventually run off along the crease, or whether it would defy gravity and keep clinging—yes, I stared and stared at that drop breathlessly for minutes on end as though my life depended on it.

Zweig, Stefan: The Royal Game, Buenos Aires, 1942

Shortly after he gains possession of an book of famous chess games. The only content is a detailed description of every move. In lack of anything better he reads through it so often and reenacts all of the strokes in his head. His captivation even drives him into splitting his personality, in favour of being able to play agains himself.

Cruel as it sounds, it shows what there lies some high potential in boredom.